Jackson Houses Roofing and Renovation

Locations Jackson Houses, 3080 Park Avenue, Bronx, NY 10451
Completion Date 10-05-2023

RFQ No. 347881

Contractor: High Point Construction Group Corp, 2747 W 15th St, Brooklyn, NY 11224

Project Overview:
High Point Construction Group Corp. proudly announces its involvement in the Jackson Houses roofing replacement and rooftop structure renovation project, showcasing our expertise in large-scale urban construction and renovation.

Scope of Work:
Our comprehensive scope of work includes:

  1. Roofing Replacement: Complete removal and installation of new roofing systems.
  2. Rooftop Structure Renovation: Upgrading rooftop structures to meet modern safety and efficiency standards.

Project Impact:
This project will significantly enhance the safety and aesthetics of the Jackson Houses, highlighting our commitment to improving urban residential infrastructure.

High Point Construction Group Corp is dedicated to delivering exceptional results, ensuring the Jackson Houses project stands as a testament to our quality and expertise in urban redevelopment.

Contact Us:
For more information or inquiries about our services, contact us at:

  • Phone: 718 819 9275
  • Email: info@highpointgc.com

Jackson Houses Roofing and Renovation

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